NOTP 2021 – Saturday, 17th July: TRAUMHAUS confirmed

The band TRAUMHAUS was founded in 1994 by Michael Dorniak (drums), Bernhard Selbach (guitars, vocals) and Alexander Weyland (vocals, keyboards), In 2001 the debut album “Traumhaus- Ausgeliefert” was released, which was very positively discussed in the professional scene.

The musical style of the band can be described as alternative prog rock. The band’s own trademark is the German vocals, which have not been available in combination with the complex music so far. In 2003 Tobias Hampl joined the band as a new guitarist and has been a permanent member of the band since In 2005 the EP “Hinaus” was recorded by the band themselves, mixed by Michael Dorniak and Alexander Weyland and produced by the band. Also this time the feedback of the trade press on the new production was very positive.

In 2008 the second regular album entitled “Die andere Seite” was recorded and released towards the end of the year. The new CD again received very positive feedback (e.g. Record of the month in “Empire” (1/2009) and TOP 10 CD of the year in Eclipsed (1/2009). Since 2010 Alexander and Tobias are touring extensively with the “Peter Gabriel Tribute Project” called “Secret World”.

In the period from the beginning of 2011 to mid-2013 the new songs for the album “Das Geheimnis” were composed and recorded. The CD was released in autumn 2013 on the label “Progressive-Promotion. The drum recordings for “Das Geheimnis” were recorded by Jimmy Keegan (Spocks Beard/Santana). Also “Das Geheimnis” was again very positively reviewed in the trade press (among others 9 out of 10 points in “Rock It!”, 8 out of 10 points in “Eclipsed”, etc.)

In spring 2014 the first two albums of the band were also re-released on “Progressive Promotion Records”. After the band presented “Das Geheimnis” live at relevant festivals (e.g. Night oft he Prog 2014, Prog The Castle), they started working on the follow-up album in 2015. “In Oculis Meis”, the band’s fifth release, was released in 2020 and again received numerous positive reviews in relevant magazines, e.g. “Eclipsed” (8/10 stars), “RockIT! (9 out of 10 points).

With Bernd Pfeffer, who is also responsible for the mastering of “In Oculis Meis” and who plays keyboards at “Secret World”, the live lineup of “Traumhaus” is now perfectly completed!

TRAUMHAUS will perform on Saturday, 18th Juli 2021. The Line-Up is now complete!


Alexander Weyland: Gesang, Keyboards
Tobias Hampl: Gitarren, Gesang
Ray Gattner: Schlagzeug
Till Ottinger: E-Bass
Bernd Pfeffer: Live- Keyboards



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