The Windmill confirmed!

Please welcome on Sunday, 21st July, THE WINDMILL! They have been waiting patiently for a long long time to perform on the rock and now we are very happy to announce that THE WINDMILL will be performing on Sunday, 21st July, presenting new material from their critically acclaimed new album “Tribus”.

The Windmill are a Norwegian progressive rock band formed in 2001 in the outskirts of Oslo. The music is symphonic neo prog influenced by several bands from the golden years of the seventies, such as Genesis, Pink Floyd, Camel and others. The debut album “To be continued …” was released May 2010, and the follow up “The Continuation” was released in 2013 and received great reviews around the world. After 5 years, The Windmill have just released their new album “Tribus”, which has got a lot of attention and great reviews throughout the progressive rock scene.

Resolutely grabbing influences from the likes of Camel, Jethro Tull and Genesis, The Windmill have blended their inspirations in an attempt to fashion their own idiosyncratic sound – like clever melodic twists loitering in many tracks.

The music on “Tribus” is a nice complicated eclectic side of neo prog, well balanced and with catchy memorable parts. Mixed and mastered by Karl Groom from Threshold this time around.


Jean Robert Viita, keys; vocal, choir
Arnfinn Isaksen; bass
Erik Borgen; guitars, vocal, choir
Morten Clason; sax, flute,guitar, vocal, choir
Stig Andrè Clason; guitar
Kristoffer Utby; Drums


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